Victor Kropp

KotlinConf 2023 Trip Report

Videos from this year’s KotlinConf edition have been published, so it is a good time to reflect.

I’ve dreamed about attending the event from the very first edition, and finally it has happened. There is no better conference to visit after a long COVID-related hiatus.

JetBrains booth

JetBrains booth

I met some old friends, made some new ones, saw in person many new colleagues hired during the pandemic. I had a lot of interesting conversations at the huge JetBrains booth in the middle of the expo hall. It was a humbling experience, that almost everyone knew the Toolbox App and were using it. Can’t wait to share some exciting updates, which only become possible because of the application refactoring to Kotlin and Compose.

You can do desktop too!

I gave a talk about Compose for desktop at the beginning of the second conference day.

I didn’t know Compose would be ported to iOS, when I applied to speak. And with all the hype around multiplatform Compose, I felt like its desktop flavor is less exciting for everyone.

The talk was good, but, of course, I see the room for improvement. The overall feedback was positive, so I’m satisfied with it.

And I already have ideas what to present next year, time to start preparing!


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