Victor Kropp

KotlinConf 2024 Trip Report

I’m writing this from the Copenhagen airport on my way back home from KotlinConf 2024. For the second year in a row, I’ve had a privilege to attend my favorite event of the year.

KotlinConf 2024 logo

KotlinConf 2024 logo

This time the conference took place in a modern and spacious Bella Center in south Copenhagen. The location made possible to accommodate more people than Beurs van Berlage last year. The old building in Amsterdam has its vibe, but I like this year’s facilities so much more.

KotlinConf 2024 in Bella Center Copenhagen

KotlinConf 2024 in Bella Center Copenhagen

But the KotlinConf experience is not about the venue. It is about people. Over the two days I had a great time meeting new and old friends, getting introduced to some awesome folks and our business partners, and spend hours chatting with my awesome colleagues.

And even a sudden fire alarm couldn’t spoil the event. Though, I liked the jokes that KotlinConf forced 2000 programmers to go outside, and they touched the grass for the first time in a year. 😂

Looking forward to 2025!

P.S. And I still haven’t watched any of the talks. Will catch up as soon as recordings are published.

This is post 4 of #100DaysToOffload


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