Victor Kropp

Golf and Maps

In January, I got a chance to try golf for the first time. We were in Cyprus, so the grass was perfect even in mid-winter. The weather wasn’t, as it was pouring for a good portion of the masterclass.

We were trained by a professional British golfer who has long retired. He was very passionate about the game and eagerly explained to us everything we wanted to know.

Thanks to that opportunity, I came to understand that I don’t like golf. I’ve spent some good time with friends, but the learning curve to master the game is quite steep. It will bring me little joy to play it knowing I can’t control the ball.

Golf City Puchheim at OpenStreetMap, before and after

Golf City Puchheim at OpenStreetMap, before and after

However, there was the other thing I also learned that day: the whole golf course terminology (par, handicap, etc.), which I can now put in good use to map some nearby golf courses on OpenStreetMap. For example, this one in Puchheim, which I occasionally run or ride nearby.

This is post 17 of #100DaysToOffload


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