February 2024 Reading List
Here’s another digest of articles I found on the Internet last month. Initially, I wanted to keep the list short and publish exactly five links every month, but as soon as I started consciously collecting them, I realized that the limit is too low and I raised it to a dozen.
Read it later
Another article full of mindblowing visualizations by Bartosz Ciechanowski. Make sure also check his previous works. GPS and Mechanical Watch are among my favorites.
Apple’s Plans for the DMA in the European Union
Detailed breakdown of upcoming iOS changes required by the EU Digital Markets Act.
In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox
Niki Tonsky explores the history of checkboxes and radio buttons.
Creating video from text
An impressive demo of OpenAI’s new generative AI model. Some videos came straight from the uncanny valley, but it’s still an absolutely new level compared to anything we’ve seen before.
The Martian: Lost Sols
Andy Weir celebrates the 10th anniversary of The Martian (one of my favorite sci-fi books) with an additional chapter of Mark Watney’s diary.
A free DLC for a book? We truly live in the age of wonders.
The Cab Ride I’ll Never Forget
A short essay. Just read it.
How can we keep domains working long after our death?
Chuck Grimmet explores the topic of online legacy. Check out the comments too.
App of the Month
I discovered Mela in App Defaults of many other participants and immediately fell in love with the app.
We’ve migrated all recipes there since then.
The app has iOS, iPad and Mac versions, and it is a one-time purchase.
GitHub Highlight of the Month
Compose is a multiplatform declarative UI framework for Kotlin. It originates from Android, but is now available for macOS, Windows, Linux, Web, and iOS. I’ve been using it on desktop for several years already, and this month I joined the team to start working on the framework itself.
I didn’t have enough time to make any impact yet, but I’m already excited with the opportunity.
Once upon a time on Wikipedia
This time a Wikipedia link is hidden somewhere above 😉
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